Naturopathic Doctor, Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Homeopathy, Mind Body Medicine, Nutrition Planning, Hydrotherapy, Health Education, B12 Injections, Laboratory Testing, Women's Health Issues, Hormone Imbalances, Digestive Disorders, Mood Imbalances, High Blood Pressure
I am a licensed Naturopathic Doctor working in Norwich and Woodstock Ontario. My passion is to educate and empower others to reach their health goals and live healthier and more fu...more...See more text
Naturopaths is alternative medicine or complementary medicine. It is both a way of life for disease prevention and health maintenance, and healing by employing various natural mean...more...See more text
Assessment and Diagnostic Services, Treatments and Conditions, Healthful Hints and Recipes, Naturopathic Medicine
Dr. Reina Persaud, ND and her two daughters, Cadence and Coda (both natural home births) and their dog, Skylar. Born and raised in London, I graduated with an Honours Bachelor of S...more...See more text
Our family is grateful for the care and guidance. You have helped us get through flu seasons, "froshitis", shift work sleep deprivation, menopause and on and on.Read more
Lewis Dental Care in London offers comprehensive dental services that incorporate orthodontic and naturopathic principles. They always keep safety and controversy in mind when pick...more...See more text
Dr Christine Slonetsky ND, MSW, RSW, BA is a licenced naturopathic doctor and registered social worker in London, and St Thomas Ontario. Integrating the wisdom of traditional natu...more...See more text
Discover Health Centre, Digestive Issues, PMS, Fertility, Menopause, Fatigue, Stress/Anxiety Or Depression, Joint And Back Pain, Insomnia, Allergies, Cold And Flu, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer
Dr Christine Slonetsky, ND is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor servicing London Ontario, and in St Thomas, Ontario. She provides natural and effective treatments for a wide range of...more...See more text
Dr Kelly Rau BSc ND, Mood Balancing, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement, Detoxification Support, Pediatric Health, Immune System Support, Sleep Support, Digestive Concerns, Hormone Balancing, Stress Management, Dietary Councelling
Our Naturopathic Doctors offers a patient centered approach to achieving an optimal state of whole health.
We are an integrative Naturopathic clinic located in London, Ontario. Ou...more...See more text