Energy Medicine, Pain, Emotional Clearing, Organic Food, Acupuncture, Bed Wetting, Asthmatic, Fears, Phobias, Allergy Elimination, Panic Attacks, Computerized Allergy Testing, Emotional Clearing From Fears, Pain, Panic Attacks, Pre-op Energy Work
If you suffer from health problems such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, environmental illness, ADD/ADHD, asthma, headaches, PMS, candida, allergies, etc., you may benefit from ou...more...See more text
Primarily an Allergy Elimination Center, it is our mission to improve your overall health and well-being by eliminating your body of underlying allergies so you can live a well-bal...more...See more text
The Forever Healthy Allergy Clinic in Yarmouth specializes in improving your overall well-being by removing energy blockages in your body. We can help your energy move more efficie...more...See more text
Above all it is a place to which you want to returnJohn Mc Kenna - The Irish Times''The Chameleon received a pass with distinction on all counts''George Hook''The best meal I have ...more...See more text