It’s a plum spot in numerous ways for Ada’s Corner, situated within the historic Robinson-Bray House built in 1885 in Streetsville. Victorian woodwork, painted glass and character-worn hardwood floors offer a perfect backdrop for this fashion, gift and decor emporium that showcases a microcosm of influences within its well-presented 400 square foot retail space. “This is a unique building and our store offers unique items so we are very well suited,” says Marsela Tan Malaka, the business's owner. “The character of the building adds to my store, so one helps the other.”
Clothing, jewellery, artwork and decor pieces sourced from local and international designers encourage shoppers to slow down, explore and make one-of-a-kind discoveries at a leisurely pace, the very antithesis of outlet-shopping mall frenetics.
Marsela took over Ada’s Corner (and yes, it was an Ada who started the venture in 2006) from her mentor and employer, who decided to retire. “It was important to keep the same name,” says Marsela. “It’s unique and customers recognize it.”