Sooter's Eszter Szekely

Products and Services

  • Photographer,
220-3580 Moncton St, Richmond, BC V7E 3A4
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Opening Hours *Holiday hours

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Meet the owner

A talented photographer with a keen eye for detail, Esther Szekely prides herself on her ability to capture the moment and produce stunning portraits that have won over her subjects for many years. “There used to be many other photography shops around here, but these days I am the only one, so I think I must have been blessed to be able to bring the beautiful out in people,” smiles Esther, the passionate owner and operator of the Sooter’s Photography location on No.3 Road in Richmond.

As a former dancer, Esther’s graceful demeanor puts her customers at ease, resulting in natural, relaxed portraits. “It’s a beautiful thing to be able to talk to a person’s soul and catch the moment. When I take the picture I put my soul into it. I think of how I would love to have this beautiful expression and then they give it to me. It’s like a love affair between your subject and you and the camera.”

Sooter’s Photography offers a range of products and services, including portraits, wedding photos, passport and visa photos, custom frames, and copy restoration.

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