Very good experience from start to finish. They have good selection of Uhaul vehicles to choose from and the storage facilities are well maintained and secure. Rates are reasonable as well.
This man changes dates of when you can move out, he says 30 days notice but he will only let you move out on the 1st or 15th but you still have to be out near the 1st if you plan on moving on the 15th. Do not pay early he will keep your money. Go somewhere else!
Please do not give him your credit card number.
We have always had the policy where we need one month notice
The customer should always read the contract before sighning.
He says dont leave a credit card, Our policy is you need a credit card if you
store with us. We did our job properly. Check out our triple AAA rateing with the Better Businesse Beaureau.....Thank you.
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