A healthy, balanced diet does more than keep off weight; vitamins and minerals make your skin smooth and supple, strengthen your fingernails, teeth and gums, and help keep your hair shiny and silky.
June 25, 2015
A healthy, balanced diet does more than keep off weight; vitamins and minerals make your skin smooth and supple, strengthen your fingernails, teeth and gums, and help keep your hair shiny and silky.
If your skin is to remain supple, clear and fresh, it needs plenty of fluid. Why? Simply put, adequate fluid intake helps your internal organs filter out harmful substances.
Environmental pollution, cigarette smoke, ultraviolet radiation and stress contribute to the formation of what's known as free radicals in your body.
Natural antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene and selenium stabilize free radicals and keep them from causing damage in the body.
A diet high in antioxidants also reduces your risk of developing certain serious diseases. Eating a range of whole foods can help you ward off damaging toxins and free radicals. Among the top picks:
Berries are chock full of healing antioxidants.
Veggies are great too!
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