6 easy daily self checks to avoid disease

October 2, 2015

A disease develops gradually and by the time you feel a symptom it’s likely to have been progressing for a while. We live in an age of advanced medicine but you can also conduct easy and effective self tests at home for signs that something is wrong.

6 easy daily self checks to avoid disease

The power of modern medicine

Of course, doctors have the know-how to tell if a disease is developing in you long before a major symptom has occurred. Today, you can catch cancer early and even destroy or remove abnormal cells before they have time to become malignant. You can get a simple blood test and it will tell you more about your heath than a surgical procedure. Imaging machines can pinpoint abnormalities before they cause any damage.

You don’t always need such high tech procedures though. This series of self check tests can keep you on top of the condition of your health.

Remind yourself

If you’re tech savvy, put a reminder in your cell phone or on your computer. If you prefer to keep your records on paper, stick a schedule on the fridge where you won’t miss it.

6 Daily Checks

1. Weight

Weighing yourself daily keeps you attuned to the small 1 to 2-pound weight gain that could signal a problem with your diet or physical activity levels. A sudden weight gain could also be a sign of a more serious problem, like fluid retention due to congestive heart failure. It is also important to monitor weight loss.

2. Feet

This is particularly important if you already have diabetes, but even if your blood sugar is perfectly fine, give your feet a once over for any unexpected sores, ingrown toenails, or blisters that could develop into a problem if left untreated.

3. Fingernails

Your fingernails tell you a lot about your health. For instance, heart valve infections can cause red streaks in the nail bed, kidney and liver diseases can damage nails, and low thyroid levels can cause brittle nails.


Take a good look at your tongue every day and keep your eyes peeled for the followings signs.

  • A shaking tongue could be a sign of an overactive thyroid or certain neurological disorders.
  • A redder tongue than normal could be a sign of nutritional deficiencies.

5. Urine

It should be clear and light yellow like straw. If it's dark, you're either not getting enough fluids or you may have some blood in your urine.

6. Stools

It should be a medium brown. If it's black and tarry, or there are signs of blood, let your doctor know.

Simple self checks for health

Don’t leave you health to chance. These six steps can help you keep your eye on the state of your health through easy, daily checks.

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