Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine....pain management, digestion disorders, womens' health, skin disorders, weight control, fertility issues and other conditions.more...See more text
I live in London but make the drive to Sarnia to see Lee Bothemley.
She is so knowledgeable, professional and gets me back in balance.
I have had some issues with my knee so I went to Lee to help improve things. I am much better now and know if there is a flare up where to go for help. Her website has been very helpful to me as well - so much confusion out there about western vs eastern medicine. What a great resource.Read more
I have previous had an acupuncture treatment years ago. My knee has arthritis and thought I would try acupuncture. Well to my surprise, the treatment was awesome. Mario and his staff are very caring folk. After just one treatment, my knee feels pretty good today. I highly recommend Mario for acupuncture!!Read more