Zest is a beauty boutique in Saskatoon specializing in non-invasive face and body Spa treatments.
We are dedicated to helping you reach your goals quickly and effectively
giving you results that will last.
Boost your confidence using unique products & services.
If you are looking for improved skin conditions we have unique, non-invasive protocols for acne, anti-aging, pigmentation, dehydration. Treatments are relaxing and results driven.
If toning and inch loss is your goal then body sculpting using the EMS (electrical muscle stimulation) machine is for you. Non-invasive and relaxing, you can enjoy a spa workout. EMS is also beneficial for your health and we provide a full body Lymphatic Detox and back massage.
Zest for a new outlook on life.
Zest Beauty Boutique WAS FOUNDED BY Jackie Kilduff as a beauty, health and rejuvenation clinic in Saskatoon.
Her passion is helping people with their confidence by addressing Face and Body issues and focusing on beauty, health and rejuvenation treatments.
Certifications include EMS (electrical muscle stimulation), MDF (Micro-derm Face), Skincare Esthetics, Dermaplaning, Elapromed Transdermalporation and Hydro-Dermabrasion
The original name, Body Sculpting by Design, transitioned into Zest Beauty Boutique when additional offerings were added and has been in business since August, 2014.
Fuelled by a results driven business philosophy, Zest provides unique, non-invasive procedures for face and body treatments. We use only the best grade All Natural, 98% Organic products in our services. As our uniqueness is often a puzzle to the general public, we gladly offer consultation sessions to explain how we can help you reach your goals, be it tightening that tummy, reducing wrinkles, getting acne under control and much more.
There is so much we can help you accomplish, so think to yourself; self, if I had a magic wand, what would I do to help myself lead a more beautiful, healthier, pain free lifestyle?
We invite you to give us a call and arrange a consultation before jumping into other invasive procedures.