Welcome to Gallery Raymond's listing. We are pleased to showcase some of Kingston and area's finest artists. These pages contain samples of their work and a brief biography of each artist. We regularly have Wine and Cheese artist's openings with the featured artist in attendance.
By joining our email list, you will receive regular updates of Gallery Openings. Feel free to contact us, and drop by the Gallery to browse our extensive and diverse collection of over 200 pieces of beautiful original work.
We also provide a complete custom framing service on site.more...See more text
Products and Services
Hundreds Of Framing Options In Both Wood And Metal Framing,
Dry Mounting On Foamcore,
We Offer The Following:,
Plaque Mounting As An Inexpensive Alternative,
Custom Colour-matched Frames,
And Masonite,
Needlepoint Stretching And Blocking,
Canvas Stretching For Paintings,
Art Gallery,
Gallery Liners In Linen Or Custom-painted Medite Liners,
Hundrets Of Mat Colours -- All Our Mats Are Acid-free,