Since 1996 Clarington Chiropractic has provided personalized, quality healthcare to the Courtice community, offering chiropractic, acupuncture, massage therapy, reflexology, low-intensity laser, spinal-decompression therapy and custom foot orthotics. Our highly-trained, dedicated staff will help you regain, improve and maintain your health and fitness. Decompression therapy is a highly successful, non-surgical treatment that relieves pressure on the spinal nerves. It is also recommended for patients who have had little success with other treatments.
Reflexology is a focused pressure technique, usually directed at the feet or hands. It is based on the premise that there are zones and reflexes on different parts of the body which correspond to all parts, glands and organs of the entire body.
When reflexes are stimulated, the body's natural electrical energy works along the nervous system to clear any blockages in the corresponding zones.Hot-Stone Massage Therapy
This therapy is another form of massage using specialized stones (Balsalt Stones) which hold heat to help create a deep-tissue massage to work tight, knotted muscles and release tension.
Hot stone massage can:
Calm the central nervous system,
Increase circulation,
Relieve muscle tension.more...See more text