Community acupuncture provides high quality acupuncture and herbal medicine treatments at affordable prices.On your first visit to Straight to the Point Community Acupuncture, you will be asked to fill out our paperwork. Upon completion of this, you will be shown into the community treatment room where you will choose a recliner and sit down. We will have a quiet chat with you about your health and come up with a treatment plan. After you recline back and get settled, we place the needles in your arms, legs, head and/or abdomen and then leave you to rest. We can now take care of another patient while the needles do their work. We treat between 6 and 8 patients per hour this way.Because we are able to treat more than one patient at a time, we can lower our prices per treatment. Our price for treatment is $25 including GST.By making treatments affordable, our patients can budget to come in more frequently, thus getting better results from their treatments.In Chin,a acupuncture is given either every day or every other day.more...See more text