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Meet the owner

The fact that “if memory serves…” and “my memory fails me" are commonly used phrases, serves as a reminder that our memories aren't always the most reliable means of holding on to a special moment in time. That’s what inspired Jill Shantz of J Shantz Photography to become a photographer. “Photographs are really good tools to help you look back and keep your memories alive,” Jill says. “I’ve always enjoyed looking at photographs of family pets and portraits.”

After graduating from NAIT in 1999, Jill went on to work for Burch Photographic in Sherwood Park. She has been a member of the Professional Photographers of Canada since 1998 and she opened her own studio business in 2007. In 2014, she received the first bar to her Master of the Photographic Arts designation and national accreditation for Canine Portraiture.

“It was the natural progression of my career,” Jill says. “I was always working for myself part-time, but I knew that I would be working for myself full-time eventually.”

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