I Know A Guy Contracting Services
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10 Ranch Glen Dr NW, Calgary, AB T3G 1E3
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Meet the owner

Christy and Jesse Switzer of I Know A Guy Renovations want their clients to know that home renovations should be a positive experience. Suitably, the husband and wife owners have plenty of combined experience. Jesse has gained years of expertise as a construction and home-renovations professional, while Christy possesses a great deal of know-how in implementing business processes that achieve desired goals for homeowners.

“Renovations can feel really unpredictable, but they don’t have to be that way,” says the genial Christy. “With proper systems and processes it can feel sane.” This means I Know A Guy Renovations works closely with homeowners every step of the way, from initial consultations through to estimates, design and reconstruction.

“We want to help people understand why they want this renovation," she summarizes. "In the end, they get what they want instead of an overblown or sideways version. We’re not going to let owners go down a road where their budget is gone and only half their renovation is done.”

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